
This may be over- ambitious – I seem to find it hard to keep up with my posts just about the walking that I am doing. But I do find from time to time that I am reading something, or looking at someone’s blog or website or have come across something else media- related to walking and hiking and generally moving around the world on foot that I would like to comment on. The idea of reviews here is not to sing someone’s praise but to offer what I hope will be at least an interesting opinion, at best a critique of the subject. I hope to not just do this on my own but sometimes to have such comment contributed by others who have a better knowledge of a subject or who have an interesting point of view.

Thinking on My Feet by Kate Humble – a review

Thinking on My Feet by Kate Humble – a review

I must start with a confession. I am prejudiced against Kate Humble. I am not sure why exactly. I think it's all those pictures of her smiling. She's forever smiling, like the late Beth Chatto, (though Chatto's fixed smile was more like a grimace)....

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A tribute to Nigel Buxton

A tribute to Nigel Buxton

  My uncle, Nigel Buxton, died on November 30th last year aged 91. Nigel was a journalist and  travel writer, working for the  Sunday Telegraph newspaper between 1961 and 1989 - for much of that time as the editor of its travel section. Here...

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The Wales Coast Path: A Practical Guide for Walkers

The Wales Coast Path: A Practical Guide for Walkers

 Authors: Christopher Goddard and Katherine Evans Published by St David's Press in  March 2014 ISBN 978-1902719-344 Paperback:208 pages Size: 130mm x 228mm Weight: 400 grammes (about 1 lb) Price:  £14.99 ..................... The Wales Coast Path...

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