The Way of St James

Legend has it that the martyred body of the apostle St. James was transported from Palestine to the Atlantic coast of Spain for burial. By the 10th century St. James was regarded as the protector of Christian Europe against the Moslem Moors. The church built on his grave at Compostella in Galicia, became a ‘Mecca’ for pilgrims who walked there from France along the ‘Camino de Santiago’. This section of the historic route will takes us into deepest France and the wonderfully remote countryside of the Massif Central.

Within France, by the 12th century, there were four different routes for pilgrims on the ‘Chemin de St. Jacques’. Of the four, the earliest recorded and the best preserved is that which starts at Le Puy on the headwaters of the Loire and crosses the Massif Central from northeast to southwest on its way to Aquitaine and the Pyrenees.

Day 1: The Way of St James between Le Puy en Valey to St Privat D’Allier (14.7 miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation for the walk was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. Anxious about giving ourselves plenty ...

Day 2: The Way of St James from St Privat D’Allier to Sauges (11.9 miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. I woke at 6 before my alarm. But ...

Day 3: The Way of St James from Sauges to Les Faux (17.2 miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. I woke at 6 again. I hadn't had ...

Day 4: The Way of St James from Les Faux to Aumont Aubrac (13.1 miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. Ear plugs and a sleeping pill ensured a ...

Day 5: The Way of St James between Aumont Aubrac to Nasbinals (16.2 miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. We had quite a lot of rain in ...

Day 6: The Way of St James from Nasbinals to Chely D’Aubrac (10.6 miles)

If I confess that our drinks bill this morning was 63 euros and that we had had a couple of beers at ...

Day 7: The Way of St James from Chely D’Aubrac to St. Come d’Olt (10miles)

Our itinerary and all our accommodation was arranged by Sherpa Walking Holidays. It was tipping it down when I looked ...

Day 8: The Way of St James from St Come d’Olt to Estaing (10.6 miles)

Deafeated by lack of available wifi today. So sorry for lack of blog today. Here's a few pics from a ...

Day 9: The Way of St James from Estaing to Golinhac (about 10 miles)

Our itinerary for the walk and all accommodation was made by Sherpa Walking Holidays. Our walking notes warned us firmly ...

Day 10: The Way of St James from Golinhac to Conques (13.4 miles)

What to say? We have arrived at Conques. This has to be one of the most pretty towns I have ...

The Way of St James: The Itinerary

We booked this trip from Sherpa Walking Holidays.  If you are into walking, visiting their website is like a trip to ...

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