Walking equipment

Perhaps most people who go for the occasional walk don’t really think that much about what they wear or put on their feet- and why should they? If shoes get muddy they can be cleaned and if the coat isn’t that waterproof, then it doesn’t matter too much. But for those that want to walk regularly and sometimes for quite long distances and maybe even for several days at a time, it makes sense to give some thought (and probably not a little expense) to getting the right equipment that will make the walk as and as comfortable as possible.

Boots – again

Boots – again

  My last post about boots was nearly two years ago. I know what you are asking - why has he taken so long to update us on this very vital piece of kit? The answer is quite simple. I have been very happy with what I have had.  But then I got...

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Layers are probably not something that you will have thought much about when you go for a walk. You probably just look out of the window and wonder how cold it is and whether its going to rain (in which case if you are me and have the choice, you...

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Boots- an update

Boots- an update

This post was published three years ago. Since then my boots have moved on. Quite a lot. I have completed the 870 mile Wales Coast Path - mostly since this was published - and have spent two weeks walking across the Yorkshire Dales, as well as...

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The All Out Blaze Sieve by Merrell

The All Out Blaze Sieve by Merrell

It seems that we decided we had had enough of getting cold, dirty feet and grit between our toes between 26,000 and 40,000 years ago. The hide of animals seems likely to have been the most favoured material early man used to clothe his feet and it...

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The top half Next to boots, I think the most important kit to consider are waterproofs. Usually this means separate over-trousers and a jacket. When I was walking the Way of St James in France  in September quite a few people were donning a poncho...

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I can't remember when or why I got the walking bug. I do know that sometime in my late teens or early 20's I bought a pair of "proper" walking boots. And I still have them. They are an Italian all leather boot by Suola and are called Robusta. I...

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